Suncare is self-care! It's crucial to take good care of your skin in the sun, as the sun's rays, despite their delightful warmth, can be harsh on unprotected skin. Our sun care family offers SPF 20, SPF 30, and SPF 50 with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection. Let them nurture your skin, allowing you to enjoy the sun with a clear conscience. Explore them here:
What is self-tanning? How long do they last?
Self-tanner's active ingredient DHA, which comes from sugar beets, is what gives you natural color. DHA reacts with the outermost layer of your skin, and it is this reaction precisely, that gives you color. This means that the color of the self-tanner lies on top of the skin.
Therefore, the self-tanner lasts until these outer skin cells die out, after which you lose the color. This period is approx. 5 days.
How to remove the self-tanner?
Have you been unlucky when applying your self-tanner, or was the result not as desired? Self-tanner can be difficult to remove, especially without a self-tanner remover. However, these are usually rather expensive and it is actually possible to remove the self-tanner in several other ways. Follow our advice:
1. A good scrub
To remove the dead skin cells that your color sticks to, it is a good idea to exfoliate your skin. You can use a body brush or scrub glove, together with our Body Scrub, for even more effective removal.
However, it is important that you are not too harsh on your skin - a light scrub should be enough and a too harsh treatment would make your skin irritated and scaly.
2. Body oil in the bath
Oil is also a great product to remove your self-tanner. We recommend lubricating the whole body for the extra result, otherwise, you can just lubricate the desired areas - before showering. Be sure to use the oil well in advance so that it can penetrate well into your skin before rinsing the oil off in the shower.
If you are lucky enough to have a tub, then use a few drops of body oil in the water. Lie down and enjoy your bath for as long as it feels comfortable so that your skin becomes softened.
When it comes to choosing an oil, our Multi Oil is a favorite. It contains jojoba oil, which is especially good for removing a self-tanner, as it has antibacterial properties and cares for your skin in depth. In addition to this, it also has other properties that your skin will thank you for.
3. How to remove self-tanner from hands and feet?
Our hands and feet tend to absorb self-tanner better than other parts of the body. This happens because hands and feet are typically drier than the rest of the body. Do you, after applying self-tanner, experience that these areas are spotty, or do you just want to remove the color from them completely? This little trick can help: Mix a little baking powder with a little water until a paste is formed - rub this paste on the exposed areas of the hands and feet. Let this paste sit for a few minutes before washing it off.
However, the best advice we have is to completely avoid getting the self-tanner on your hands in the first place. By using our Glove for applying self-tanner, you not only avoid spotty hands with unwanted color, but you also achieve a more uniform and beautiful result.